Happy New Year!

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Dear Reader’s,

2021 was the hardest year of my life. My mother lost her long battle with Alzheimers in September and I was ready to put it all behind me and get on with my life. But the stress of caring for her, working and trying to keep my writing afloat proved to be too much for my health. I thought if I took the rest of the year off, I could recoup and get back at it after the new year. However, I contracted COVID in January and spent most of February trying to get my strength back. The virus left me dealing with horrible cognitive fog and a constant headache. In April, I became sick with something similar and also in October.

This post is something I dread making. I’m not a prolific writer and I know that’s frustrating for readers who love my stories. So many of you have sent emails, messages and even letters, expressing your anticipation for Hollywood Cowboy. You don’t know what that means to me. I am sad to say that the book is on hold until after the new year.

I have so many stories I want to write and I pray 2023 is a prosperous and productive year for us all.


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